How can we adjust to this time of uncertainty while working from home?

Let’s make the best and the most out of this new norm.

10 tips that help me Work from Home.

  1.  Wake up at the same time every day.
  2. Get ready & somewhat dressed. (GUILTY) It is very hard to feel professional always in your jammies or yoga pants.
  3. Designate a workspace so when you are not there you are in your own life.
  4. Block out work time-unless you have specific hours be sure to set yours and stick to them
  5. Minimize distractions-a whole separate subject.  Whether you think you’re going to throw a quick load in the laundry, on the way back you notice dishes your kids left out and before you know, your straightening & 20 minutes have passed. I actually have an open/closed sign on my office door that started as a joke but really comes in handy for those meeting times.
  6. Lists, Lists, Lists (Those who know me know I ALWAYS have a list.
  7. Schedule all tasks, like lunch, meetings, relaxing time. Do 1 task at a time, complete then move on to the next. Again, where those lists help.
  8. Take breaks-really important to step away and get refreshed and a clear your head. Why not grab a 20-minute power nap or quick walk on your break or lunch?
  9. Eat healthily

End your day and let your personal evening/time begin.